The question to ask yourself first:

ARE YOU PROFICIENT IN THE OR, and can get two OR professionals to verify it?

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RASA Surgical AssistingApplication Requirements and Program Overview

Program Prerequisites and Admission Criteria

Associate’s Degree RNs, STs, CSTs, CORT, ORTs, TS-Cs, LPNs, & LVNs and other allied health practitioners are eligible. Computer, Internet and Microsoft Office knowledge is required, along with the ability to scan and upload documents and view internet videos and 3D video files. Access to the Internet and email is mandatory.

The following must be submitted with the enrollment application:

  • Proof of successful completion of an RN, ST, PA or foreign medical program, or on-the-job training.
    • Proof of successful completion of the programs listed above
    • OR official transcripts of successful completion of college level basic science instruction listed below
    • OR If you did not complete a formal program or a foreign medical program, you must either do one of the following prior to RASA training.
      • 1 – Provide proof of successful completion of college level basic science instruction in the following courses,
      • OR 2 – you may take them as co-requisite courses (all available through RASA). You must also provide letters of recommendation (template provided) verifying operating room proficiency for on-the-job-trained surgical technologists, as proficiency of OR Fundamentals is a prerequisite.
      • Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology (available through RASA)
      • Microbiology (available through RASA)
      • Pharmacology (available through RASA)
      • Medical Terminology (available through RASA)
  • (2) Two Letters of Recommendation, including verification of a working knowledge of operating room fundamentals, signed by a surgeon or operating room educator (templates provided in enrollment packet).
  • Proof of CPR certification, and maintain throughout the entire program.
  • Copy of Driver’s License or State-issued identification, with identifiable picture.
  • Clinical Acknowledgement Form/Training Agreement (*There is a template specifically provided in the RASA Application)
  • Colorado students only must provide proof of registration with Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) prior to their clinical internship (Module 3). This can be a lengthy process which requires a background check, so students are encouraged to begin and/or complete the process prior to applying to the program. Refund policy will not be altered for denied registration from DORA. Deadlines will not be extended for delays in getting any required documentation to RASA.

Must be submitted on the eCampus site prior to being cleared to begin the clinical internship:

  • Students must provide acceptable health and immunization records, documenting acceptable status of hepatitis B, influenza, MMR, varicella, and PPD/TB assessment (template available on the eCampus website).
  • Malpractice insurance, specifically listing you in the “student surgical assistant” or “surgical assistant” role. Limits of liability must be a minimum of 1 million/3 million.

Ready to Get Started?

RASA Surgical AssistingApplication Requirements and Program Overview

Students must submit these items prior to clinical internship approval and enrollment in our surgical assisting program.

Malpractice insurance, specifically listing you in the student first assistant role or the surgical assistant role. In particular limits of liability must be a minimum of 1 million/3 million. In general, the cost is $50-$100 for a one-year policy.

Acceptable health and immunization records, documenting acceptable status of hepatitis B, influenza, MMR, varicella, hepatitis C and PPD (template available).

Course of Study

Course of Study: See the course descriptions in the catalog for further details.

Surgical Assisting Program Length: Maximum 14 months    Clock Hours Semester Credits
Module 1: Interactive Distance Learning    
Unit 1 Welcome to the Exciting World of Surgical Assisting 16 1
Unit 2 Wound Healing and Infection Control 24 1.5
Unit 3 Surgical Assisting Skills, Principles and Techniques, including the Wound Closure Kit. 39 2.5
Unit 4 Surgical Assisting Considerations 30 2
Unit 5 Surgical Pharmacology and Anesthesia 24 1.5
Module 2: Interactive Distance Learning    
  Surgical Specialty Study:
First assisting in all major specialties will be studied.
Unit 6 -1 General Surgery 20 1.25
Unit 6 -2 Obstetrics and Gynecology 20 1.25
Unit 6 -3 Genitourinary 20 1.25
Unit 6 -4 Ophthalmic 20 1.25
Unit 6 -5 Otorhinolaryngologic 20 1.25
Unit 6 -6 Orthopedics 20 1.25
Unit 6 -7 Plastic and Reconstructive 20 1.25
Unit 6 -8 Cardiothoracic and Peripheral Vascular 20 1.25
Unit 6 -9 Neurosurgery 20 1.25
Unit 6 -10 Special Considerations 20 1.25
Home-Study Didactic Hours 333  
Module 3: Clinical Internship
See Catalog for Unit 10 descriptions of clinical requirements    
Unit 7  (20 Cases) 45 1
Unit 8  (20 Cases) 45 1
Unit 9  (20 Cases) 45 1
Unit 10  (80 Cases) 200 4.5
CS Case Study 8 0.5
Approximate Clinical Hours 343 8
Total Program Hours 676 29